..focusing on current affairs and issues related to Maldives and its people

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ibilees looks like .... a sturdy black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks!

Ishaq:243 "I have heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal.' He was a sturdy black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks. He used to come and talk with the Prophet and listen to him. He would carry what he had said to the hypocrites. Nabtal said, 'Muhammad is all ears. If anyone tells him something he believes it.' Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet and say that he is all ears, say, 'Good ears for you.' For those who annoy the Apostle there is a painful punishment." [Qur'an 9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you, his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"

1 comment:

  1. Jimi is Iblees?
    I thought he was God himself the way he played guitar!
