..focusing on current affairs and issues related to Maldives and its people

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What, oh what were Minivan news thinking in hiring this person to write such crap?

It doesn’t matter if this person is an international relations graduate, no one has the right to mock the Holy Quran…that’s what it all comes down to, isn’t it?

These ‘natural order’ of things or ‘God’s preordained blueprint for life’ as you say it, aren’t rules made up by Adhaalath party…you know it, I know it, everyone knows it…it’s just difficult for some people to digest because of the favoured modern civilization. And that is a fact! these are rules we have to abide, for we call ourselves muslims, if you aren’t sure about this, maybe you should concentrate on doing more research rather than wasting time with your two cents worth analysis.


  1. the person that wrote it is mocking the adhaalath party, not islam or the quran.

  2. we dont need adhaalath to teach us islam & quran. we can do it on our own.
    so all adhaalath ppl can go to afgan or pakistan & do whatever u like there.

  3. "These ‘natural order’ of things or ‘God’s preordained blueprint for life’ as you say it, aren’t rules made up by Adhaalath party…you know it, I know it, everyone knows it..."

    I don't agree. So you are wrong.

  4. your blog name says it all... all u write is kandukos or BS.

  5. Dear Kandukoss,
    Do you know the meaning of the word "MINIVAN" in Minivan News?
    Yours sincerely
